Paint Horse, Merrie, 7 Jaar, 152 cm, Donkere-vos
Paard te koop
ID: 4332487
$ 12.500 vraagprijs
ID: 4332487
$ 12.500 vraagprijs
$ 12.500 vraagprijs
Paint Horse
7 Jaar
152 cm
is geregistreerde fokmerrie
is licht bereden
Is gelongeerd
heeft grondwerk gedaan
is verkeersmak
is allrounder
is braaf op trailer
braaf bij de hoefsmid
geschikt voor kinderen
geen ekzeem
ENSATIONS HOT MISTY aka Tina 2018 Chestnut Mare By Majic In Motion x Mistys Hot Sensation APHA registered Suited to ANY level of rider; Husband and Kid Safe. Very gentle and quiet! Stands at 15.0 hands 100% sound Tina is the perfect all-around ranch and family horse. She is a sweet, stocky registered Paint mare that is happy to pack anyone around, yet fancy and talented enough to excel competitively. She has been owned by the same family for nearly 4 years and enjoyed her time with them and their two teenage girls. Due to no fault of her own, Tina is in search of a new home as the family is now getting out of riding as their girls have graduated. She is very smooth to ride, with forward willingness, and is the same horse with every level of rider. She has perfect ground manners, is great to saddle, clip, bath, farrier, load, haul and tie! Tina has had two foals, took on first try, had a textbook easy birth and is an amazing mother. Would make a GREAT broodmare if new owner chose to go that route. No maintenance required. Easy easy keeper!
Majic In MotionMajic BePeta SayelaMr Fancy BonanzaMagic Dee BarHeath Bar NoneMiss Deesigner
Mistys Hot SensationsIron JohnZips Misty ChipZip MeSkippy BestZips Mr ChipsZippo Fandango
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meer informatie
Het paardenras Paint Horse wordt vertegenwoordigd door de „American Paint Horse Association“ in Texas. Eigenlijk is het geen opzichzelfstaand paardenras maar gaat het om bonte Quarter Horses. Reden hiervoor is dat de paarden dezelfde achtergrond en afstamming hebben als de Quarter Horse. Daarom lijk ...meer