
4 keer gemerkt

BARBIE 10 Yr old 14.3hh Palomino Quarter Horse Mare

Bieden op veiling
Needmore, PA 17238 USA
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American Quarter Horse, ook Quarter Horse genoemd komt oorspronkelijk uit de USA en is het meest verspreide paardenras over de wereld. Over de hele wereld zijn er 4.6 miljoen geregistreerde Quarter Horses. Het ras is ontstaan in de 17de eeuw, toen rijke plantagebezitters uit Virginia en Carolina bes ... Meer over het paarden ras American Quarter Horse
10 Jaar
150 cm

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CONSIGNOR CONTACT: Brenna Hurt 660-676-2592
BREED: Quarter Horse
COLOR: Palomino
HEIGHT: 14.3
AGE: 10

She’s got the beauty, she’s got the brains. She’s a working gal with an extensive resume, and a willing personality that’s sure to take you far. Not to mention she also happens to be the perfect shade of BLONDE!
“Barbie” is the whole package, and a favorite amongst almost everyone she meets! No matter of it’s at an event, down the trail, or on a job; this gal continually proves to be trusty. Barbie is a 10 year old gorgeous Palomino mare standing at a perfect 14.3 hands tall. She is a finished and HONEST barrel horse. Barbie run right or left in just about any pen or environment with no fuss. She’s super automatic and gives the same run and level of try every time! Barbie is also YOUTH and novice suitable and is so fun and forgiving to run and ride in general. Barbie has a nice one hand neck rein, walk, jog, trot, lope both ways with ease and a nice comfortable stop anyone can get a long with! Both in the arena and outside she’s is confident and brave and takes great care of her rider. When on the trails she is very sure footed and cognizant of her surroundings. She isn’t spooky or buddy/barn sour. She crosses anything you’d like and is happy to go out on her own or in a group! My favorite thing about this mare is the fact she is ALWAYS looking for the right answer. From working cattle, to rodeos, chuckwagon races, jackpots, cruising downtown, or just hanging out at the arena with some friends. She is happy and willing to do anything that’s asked of her, which makes her so enjoyable to be around! Not only is she a blast to ride, Barbie is also extremely well mannered on the ground. She is the epitome of what it means to be GENTLE. She stands great for the farrier, leads, loads in anything, and is super easy to handle, bathe & care for. She has absolutely zero buck, bite, or kick and will still be the same horse after time off! If you are looking for a versatile horse you can go run a pretty set of barrels, chase wild cattle on, or just enjoy on a leisurely trail ride. Here she is! I have full confidence this mare will be loved and adored no matter where she is. I have spent many hours and miles with her and I am so excited to offer her! Come meet her you will come to know and love her just as I have. Feel free to call or text me for any further questions you may have, or to come meet this absolute sweet heart of a mare! Thank you so much for looking, and God Bless!
(660) 676-2592
Needmore, PA 17238
Homepage: horsebidllc

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Needmore, PA 17238

